- Invariants of polynomials mod Frobenius powers, with Anne Shepler, submitted.
Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar at UT Dallas
AMS Sectional Meeting
Algebra Symposium
- Lucas's Theorem - Binomial Coefficients Modulo a Prime Fall 2017
- Invariants of GL(n,q) in Polynomial and Quotient Rings Spring 2016
Presentations for UNT
Algebra Seminar
- Invariants of Landweber-Ston reflection groups modulo Frobenius powers Fall 2019
- Introduction to Catalan Numbers Fall 2019
- Introduction to Generating Functions Spring 2018
- Introduction to the Dickson Algebra Fall 2017
- Binomial Coefficients Modulo a Prime Spring 2017
- Invariants of GL(n,q) in Polynomials Mod Frobenius Powers Fall 2015
- Introduction to Dickson Polynomials Spring 2015
Graduate Algebra Group at UNT
- Invariants of Landweber-Stong reflection groups mod Frobenius powers Fall 2019
- Graded Rings and Modules Fall 2018
- Introduction to some important algebras Fall 2017
- Introduction to invariant polynomials Spring 2017
- Matrix group actions Fall 2016
- Reintroduction to Dickson polynomials Fall 2015
- Introduction to quarternions Spring 2015