Fall 2019
- 1650 INET PreCalculus
Summer 2019 5W2
- 1720 Calculus II
Spring 2019
- 1720 Calculus II
- Developing Online Course for 1650 PreCalculus with Mary Ann Barber
Fall 2018
- 1650 PreCalculus
Spring 2018
- 2000 Discrete Mathematics
- Developing projects for 1680 Elementary Probability and Statistics with Dr. Allen Mann
Fall 2017
- 1680 Elementary Probability and Statistics
Summer 2017
- 1680 Elementary Probability and Statistics
Spring 2017
1680 Elementary Probability and Statistics
Here is an interesting news article that uses statistics and big data:
Will you graduate? Ask big data - An article on indicators of success or failure to graduate based on foundational courses.