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Shuang Liu Research
Research Interests
Mathematical and Computational Biology/Physics
Free boundary problem of invasive behavior of one species
Free boundary problem of invasive behavior with competition between two/three species
Cell polarization and cell movement
Free boundary Grad-Shafranov problem
Numerical Methods for Free Boundary Problems
Front tracking methods and front fixing methods
Fast local level set method
Integration factor methods and ETD/ETDRK schemes
CPU parallel cut-cell algorithm
AMG accelerated embedded boundary method for PDEs in irregular domains
Biomolecular Modeling and Simulations
Binary level set method
GPU parallel computing for variational implicit-solvent models
Monte Carlo simulations for protein folding/unfolding
Computer Skills
Programming Languages: C/C++, PETSc, Julia, Matlab, Maple.
GPU/CPU Parallel Computing
Computational Packages
Free-boundary GS solver: A parallel PETSc-based cut cell free-boundary MHD equilibrium solver (primary developer)
AMG Accelerated Cut Cell Algorithm: A universal AMG accelerated cut cell solver (one of the principle developers)